Wednesday, August 26, 2009

buy and sell

hi! Everybody !
There is a new free market place for buyer and seller online shopping!

come on!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Welcome to

A new marketplace for buyer and seller:
More people, much cheaper!
Shopping will become group effore!
The first 50 sellers who post more than 50 Group Buyings will enjoy FREE transaction fee and earnest FOREVER.

What is Group Buying

Group Buying, which loosely translates into Chinese "Tuangou", is a recent developed shopping strategy originated in China. Several people, even strangers will haggle with the proprietor as a group in order to get a discount, while the seller benefits by selling more items at a time. This is the concept of the Here, all the buyers' services are FREE.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Hello! Welcome to my blog.